What part of “prevailing westerly winds” does Mother Nature not understand?!? Today started great, up and out early (7:15), a beautiful morning, the first 20 miles were mostly down hill with no wind. But then Mother Nature decided I wasn’t working hard enough and threw a huge headwind at me for the next 50 miles and 2000 ft of climbing...hills with wind in my face for a second day, ugh! It is remarkable how wind impacts a loaded touring bike. Those panniers are like sails! Luckily my mind and legs were much better prepared today so the ride was no problem. So far the nicest and most inquisitive people along the whole trip? The Apache Indians! Stopped at a little store on the Apache reservation and people were so friendly and asking about the ride, so nice! Kept plugging away until mile 70 and stopping for my (now) standard recovery drink: chocolate shake (extra chocolate). Met a cool guy from Alaska riding the first part of the southern tier route San Diego to Austin. Then the wind suddenly shifted to a tail wind and I glided to my hotel! Nice way to end the day. Tomorrow New Mexico!
Daily Diary 10: Globe to Stafford AZ - 77 miles
Updated: Mar 10, 2019