Another great riding day today! This morning we got up early and Emil‘s daughter drove us back to Lake Charles to start the ride. Emil, who is a rider but has not done much more than 20 miles at a time training decide to join me for as long as he felt he could. It was a beautiful day and we were fired up about the ride. A little bit of wind in front of us and across but nothing too crazy. We started the ride at a nice pace and found some nice country roads to ride that were empty and beautiful. After about 25 miles or so we stopped for some donuts and drinks which were great. After that the country roads ran out and we had to head to a bit busier road, hwy 90. The shoulder was nice though and the ride went really well. We stopped in the cool little town Crowley (rice capital of the US), for a late lunch and found a great little café with some very friendly people. We got free beer samples, free shots, and some sort of homemade dessert shot from a jeep club that stopped by. All the things we needed for the remaining 25 miles of riding! My buddy rode really well and hung in for the entire ride! It was great to have some company on the ride and we talked quite a bit about what it takes to do things like long multi day rides. Obviously the physical preparation is important but preparing the mind and managing the metal obstacles and doubts that inevitably pop up is more important. We talked about the importance of not only how to achieve goals but also what it takes to make the stick. You need a process that is sustainable, robust. Not something that is one and done, that falls apart over time or when things get difficult. In my view, breaking large and challenging goals into smaller, more achievable ones really works. They help reinforce the path you are on, they are easier to achieve and they boost confidence as you complete them which helps keep you on the path the success. The fact that Emil could ride 80 miles with limited training was a testament to that!
The remainder of the ride went quicker than we thought it would. Of course we had to stop for a celebratory beer once we arrived in Lafayette (it is Louisiana after all) and then a terrific shrimp meal at his home. Cajun hospitality is the BEST! Tomorrow I have two days of rest!! My body needs it, the accumulation of miles is taking its toll and I need to let the muscles (and butt) recover a bit.