After a rest day of doing some laundry and fixing my bike I took off for Texas. First half of the ride was great, empty road, Highway 28, was fantastic. There was a headwind but I was able to link up with six local riders, three guys and three girls all chatting away on Spanish out for a good fast paced Sunday group ride and was able to draft them and have a good chat for a good part of the first half of the ride. Second half of the ride wasn’t as great, after I left the group I continued around El Paso following Google maps. Bad idea. Ended up on very busy roads or sketchy parts of town for the remainder of the ride. Final stretch to Clint was a crowded road with no shoulder, Plus the headwind continued without the benefit of a group to ride with. Ended up at the best Western in Clint, the only place to stay, but it was really very nice. I definitely find that traveling on busy roads having to watch out for traffic is as tiring as anything else on the ride. Arrived tired and ready for some dinner.
Daily Diary 14: Las Cruses NM to Clint TX - 75 miles
Updated: Mar 13, 2019