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Daily Day 4: Blythe CA to Salome AZ - 62 miles!


Updated: Mar 10, 2019

Fortune favors the Bold!

Fantastic day today. After a really long hard day yesterday I was considering taking a rest day today. Today included 3 long climbs so I wasn’t sure how my body would take it. So glad I didn’t rest! Got an early start on the day with some good coffee and felt ready. Body definitely getting used to being on a bike all day. Today’s ride included two long sections on interstate 10 that I wasn't too excited about (no other options) but it turned out just fine: wide shoulder, got to listen to music (normally don’t so I can listen for traffic behind me), and side benefit of trucks blowing by me at 70 mph: back draft sucked me right up the mountain! I was through 20 miles and the first climb before I knew it. Music was great, listening to a best of list from all my high school buddies. It was great. I jammed a bunch of oldies (see my Billy Idol impression photo while climbing the first hill) and I Believe from Cowboy Mouth which was the right song at the right time... amazing feeling. The next 20 went quickly as well, ran into other people going cross country on bikes, one couple from Australia I think, on a tantum (with a broken spoke and no spare.. tried to help but my spares didn’t fit) and another first timer guy like me.  Had a great lunch and then finished the last 20 feeling good. Last minute booking put me into a pretty sketchy looking motel on the outside of town. But room was fine and they had a restaurant and cool bar with very nice people and amazing homemade pizza!  Today, for the first time, things moved from battling to complete the day to enjoying the experience! Can’t wait for the rest of the trip

Just a reminder, if you wish to support the ride with a donation to the Anti-Cruelty Society here is the link!


About Me

Hi, I'm Ellie and this blog is about my dad! I continue to be amazed by his resiliency and positive attitude and think it should be shared for other people to enjoy!

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