After an absolutely grueling first day on the road, Freeman has finally made it to his hotel... well at least the hotel floor! After scaling 2300 ft and 36 miles from sand to snowy landscape ALL BEFORE NOON, he had to make a pitstop for some carbo-loading. Dauntingly, he still had 22 miles and 2900ft to go to finish the day! So what did he choose? Well, see for yourself:

Thus far on his journey, he had friend and supporter John riding with him. A much appreciated and needed motivation, because doesn't everyone always say the first 30 miles of 3000 total the hardest? No? I for one am excited to find out.
Re-fueled, slightly nauseous, and parting with his travel buddy. Freeman departs on the next 22 miles as a solo rider. Feeling confident and ready to take on the rest of the day, he hops back on the bike already sore from the first half of today's adventures. This is how dreams are achieved. Perseverance in times of absolute exhaustion.

The next update came in at about 3:00 pm: 7 miles and 1200 vertical ft until the hotel. Fighting exhaustion, back spasms, definitely not feeling great after that massive plate of black beans and rice, Freeman needs fuel. What does he grab in his time of need?

BOOM. Not what you had in mind? That's probably because you've never biked 51 miles up 4000 ft in 1 day, and not even be done with day 1 yet. Or maybe you have, and if so; you understand exactly the need for this massive intake of caffeine.
Back on the bike and feeling slightly jittery, Freeman continues to keep us updated as he climbs his last mountain to reach the safety of his hotel bed. With the help of his amazing daughters (humble brag) and family and friends sending him all kinds of support messages, he reaches his hotel.
Day 1 Summary:
He has completed very possibly what will be the hardest day of the entire journey. Filled with pride but also exhaustion it will be an early night. You may ask what he has planned for his day off tomorrow? Sight seeing? Maybe a spa day? Well... NOPE. Tune in tomorrow for updates on his, wait for it... 74 MILE RIDE.