He couldn't stop smiling, we couldn't stop smiling. I called my dad on his last day 3 times just to see his smile. It was as moving as this whole journey has been for all of us. We couldn't be more proud of you, and now get to see all the people you will continue to inspire and motivate moving forward. A mere week after he got off his bike he already has been featured in the Wall Street Journal (https://www.wsj.com/articles/burned-out-at-work-heres-how-to-find-your-passionor-get-it-back-11555160400?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1) and is writing a first chapters of his book. I am still struggling to find the words to describe the overwhelming pride and happiness I have for him! So instead I am going to share with you all his last day from my eyes, over 1000 miles away!

His last day was on the most beautiful bike trail and the weather was perfect! He was so happy and positive before getting on the bike, the day just continued to get better :)
I Facetimed my dad right before this video and this is the same smile that I got to see! So amazing to see live and get to feel how much positivity and happiness was radiating from him!

I got this update from my step-mom Kim as he got closer to the finish line! She and some close friends were waiting for him to finish, all bubbling over with excitement. All of us that couldn't make it were calling and texting to get updates wishing we could be there!
The next video shows his welcoming party! As soon as he got off the bike he got a beer and we had a group Facetime call with my two sisters and my dad and kim! I don't think a single word was said, just deafening screams of excitement and pride!

Wow this video brought me to tears! I am so thankful we have all of these memories forever and got to be a part of his incredible journey even though we couldn't be there physically! WE ARE SO PROUD.
Of course he had to go out with a bang.. the first thing he did after getting off his bike? (okay after a beer or two) A dive in the Atlantic Ocean. Symbolic of the magnitude of his ride, from pacific to Atlantic Ocean in 41 days. ONLY 41 DAYS! Sheer exhaustion gave way to relief, pride and absolute bliss. Surrounded by friends and family, messages of support and love pouring in, this day was an experience none of us will ever forget. We love you dad!
